Welcome, I’m Kelsie

It's time to invest in your most valuable asset – you!

Meet Kelsie

Burned out and don't even realize it? I've been there. I'm Kelsie, a certified Integrative Nutrition & Health Coach passionate about helping high-achieving women overcome and prevent burnout

This work is deeply personal to me. For years, I was burnt out without even realizing it. Operating on pure cortisol, I'd become disconnected from my body. I balanced an insane workload, trained 5 days a week, cooked every meal, and maintained an immaculate home. 

On the outside, I looked incredibly successful - dream job, great salary, amazing vacations, beautiful home. I was the girl who could do it all with no need for support. I was FINE!

Haha I wasn’t fine. 

My digestion was a mess and I woke up every morning with incredible pain from clenching my jaw all night. My body was yelling at me to pay attention but I continued to ignore it. 

When I began my health coaching education and learned how to rebuild a connection to my body I started to realize just how not fine I was. 

Long story short, I realized I had to make a massive change in how I was living and I did just that. 

My journey taught me that true success stems from honouring your needs, prioritizing more of what you value, and building sustainable practices that support your overall well-being. 

Now, I use my experience and expertise to help other high-achieving women do the same.

I am so dedicated to educating and supporting other women with the tools to take back control of their lives and build that deeper connection with their bodies. My personalized coaching program guides you through sustainable shifts in nutrition, sleep, sunlight exposure, movement, and nervous system regulation. I believe these changes are essential for long-term health, allowing you to reclaim control of your life, deepen the connection with your body, and achieve sustainable success without burnout.

Want to avoid burnout and cultivate lasting vitality? Let's connect and begin your path to sustainable wellness.

What my client’s are saying…

Attention high-achieving women: Ready to trade burnout for boundless energy?

You've conquered the corporate world, but at what cost? If you're feeling exhausted, disconnected, and running on empty, it's time for a change. Don't let burnout steal your success or your health.

Discover how to reclaim your vitality, optimize your performance, and thrive both in and out of the office. Let's work together to create a personalized roadmap to sustainable success and radiant health.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I’ll be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!